Residential Cost

The Residential Cost section in CAMA has several tabs and utilizes five different tables. Click on each photo to enlarge the view.

To find label items and their square footage, use PRSK. The actual vectors are stored in PRCM.

Cost Tab PRSK










The majority of the data on the residential Remarks tab is found in PRCM except for the actual remarks, which is PRCNOTE.


Cost Tab PRCM 1










The data in the Main and Additives tab is all found in PRCM.


Cost Tab PRCM 2 View











The Adjustments tab uses the tables PRCM and PROA.


Cost Tab PRCM 3 view










The OB/YI tab is the same for commercial or residential properties and uses PROB and PRCM.


Cost Tab PROB view










The data in the Calculation tab is all stored in PRCM.


Cost Tab PRCM view











Any Rental data that is entered into CAMA is stored in PRENTAL.


Cost Tab PRENTAL view